
Contact Form

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Contact, Link exchange, Broken links etc. ?

When you want to link to my website on your own website, be sure to include the information below:

Owner website: Henk Timmerman

E-mail addres: contact(dot)henkofholland(at)gmail(dot)com

Website name: Henk of Holland

Website address: http://fox3000.com/index2.htm

Description: Henk of Holland master modeling military vehicles. Site for scale 1/72 and 1/76 military modellers, providing information about manufacturers of resin- and plastic models.

For a logo, copy one of the pictures below to your own computer



Thank you in advance

Henk Timmerman

Email to HenkofHolland:


This website is an extension of my modeling hobby and serves to inform only. It is NOT possible to order merchandise directly from me.
I do not own a (web-)shop. You will find some reliable vendors in the "links" page.

logoE-mail to HenkofHolland

Note: To become a valid e-mail address, replace in email address (at) with @


logoPage proofread and corrected by P.J.W. Harmsen

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