

HobbyBoss, Wai Mou ( Macau ) Limited, Huihuang Electric Appliance Co., Ltd (China Mainland)

A manufacturer with some interesting kits in the 1/72 scale

Who can tell me more about this company, quality of the kits and sprue-layouts - Some modellers have inform me that the kits are basic in details - Who can show me a built model or pictures from relevant details contra the Hasegawa Railway-guns?

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Catalogue History



Railroad Series 1/72 scale

Kit HB82901 - German Kriegslokomotive BR-52

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Foto's and comments from Luis Bariffo
I've found it a very nice model, many parts, well moulded, good level of detail, it is in my eyes a level close to Dragon. But there are no PE parts or any multimedia upgrades. I did not open the bags, but it shows at first sight, that is not for un-experienced modeller, and the model needs many man-hours to build it.

German Kriegslokomotive BR-52

The great need for locomotives in Germany during the second world war explains the explosion in production. First of all construction of classes 44, 50 and 86 was simplified, and orders for other types of locos were cancelled. The best loco of the war was the class BR 50 , The construction of the Class BR 52 was not foreseen in any construction program, never mind that of 1939. In 1941 the need for a new simpler type was apparent. These machines became, with an axle load of 15 tonnes and a maximum speed of 80 km/h ( 44 mph ) forwards or backwards, as good as the Class BR 50. Significant quantities of materials and manpower were able to be reduced further reducing their cost

Model built by Lo Baars - (Painted in the colours of the BR-52 showed in Sindheim Museum)

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Model built by Mark Deliduka

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Model built by Christian Weber

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For "Volker Helms'/ IPMS Deutschland" - "First Look" about kit 82901 - German Kriegslokomotive BR-52 visit:

logo Website IPMS Deutschland

For "Raul Belenguer's / MiniAFV" review & built kit of kit 82901 - German Kriegslokomotive BR-52 visit:

logo "MiniAFV" Blog - (Part one) logo "MiniAFV" Blogbuilt model - (Part two)

Kit HB82902 - German Railway Track set

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For an Volker Helms "First Look" about kit 82902 - German Railway Track set visit:

logo Website IPMS Deutschland

Kit HB82903 - German Railway Gun 280mm K5(E) Leopold

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Model built by Alexander Chalikas


German 280mm K5(E) Railway Gun Leopold

In 1933 the German military began a major rearmament program and on the list of weapons needed were modern railway guns. In time these were to emerge as the K5(E) and K12(E). The Leopold had an unconfirmed range of 11 miles. It is fired from a turntable affording a 360 degree traverse. The gun consists of two hydro pneumatic cylinders and a single hydraulic buffer cylinder. A central jack helps support the tremendous weight of the gun and carriage. The German Leopold Gun was the largest weapon, which lobbed shells at American troops at “ Anzio Beach ”. When not firing, the gun was rolled back into the tunnels out of the sight of Allied reconnaissance. Although both guns had been extensively damaged, Allied forces were able to salvage the Leopold and after reconstruction of the railway, moved the gun to Naples for shipment to the United States . The Leopold is currently on display at the Aberdeen Proving Ground in Aberdeen , Maryland .

For an Volker Helms "First Look" about kit 82903 - German Railway Gun 280mm K5(E) Leopold visit:

logo Website IPMS Deutschland

Kit HB82904 - German Morser Karl-Gerat 040/041 (Initial Version)

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Built model by Peter Batin

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Morser KARL- Geraet 040

The Karl series of mortars Gerät 040 were built by the German during the WWII. The gun was ordered to Rheinmetall by German army in June 1937. Designed to use in the campaign against France Maginot line. The mortar barrel had a length of 5108mm (L/8.44) with a calibre of 60cm. This self-propelled gun were called "Karl" Gerät. The first vehicle entered serviced in November 1940 and got the name Adam. The next three vehicles were delivered until May 1941 and got the names Eva, Thor and Odin. These four vehicles were sent to Rssia with the 833heavy artillery detachment on 22.June 1941.

Kit HB82905 - German Morser Karl-Gerat 040/041 (late Version)

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Built Model by Francisco Almeida

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For an "BrailleBuilder / Neil Lyall" review about kit HB82905 - German Morser Karl-Gerat 040/041 (late Version) visit:

logo "BrailleBuilder" Blogspot

Morser KARL-Geraet - 040/041 Late version

The Karl series of mortars Ger?t 040 were built by the German during the WW II. The gun was ordered to Rheinmetall by German army in June 1937. Designed to use in the campaign against France Maginot line. The mortar barrel had a length of 5108mm (L/8.44) with a calibre of 60cm . This self-propelled gun were called "Karl" Ger?t. The first vehicle entered serviced in November 1940 and got the name Adam . The next three vehicles were delivered until May 1941 and got the names Eva , Thor and Odin . These four vehicles were sent to Rssia with the 833heavy artillery detachment on 22.June 1941.

Visit for review about "Comparison with Hasegawa 1/72 Morser" and construction pictures about the Karl-Gerat 040/041 next website:

gerat040.webKarl HobbyBoss kit 040/041 (Chinese and English language) The kit has a positive recence!!!!

hobbyboss/82904/1/01.jpg hobbyboss/82904/1/02.jpg hobbyboss/82904/1/03.jpg "Comparison pictures taken from website "geraet04.web.infoseek.co.jp".

For an Volker Helms "First Look" about kit 82905 - German Morser Karl-Gerat 040/041 (late Version) visit:

logo Website IPMS Deutschland

Kit HB82906 - German Rail Transporter for Karl-Geraet

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German Rail Transporter for Karl-Geraet

In October 1939, work began on designs for loading the Geraet 040 for rail transport. Due to the high weight and great length, it was necessary to transport this self-propelled gun supported by traversing pedestals mounted on two five-axle rail carriages. Supporting arms, attached to the Geraet 040, were lifted by massive hydraulic cylinders to suspend the self-propelled gun between the rail carriages

For an "BrailleBuilder / Neil Lyall" review about kit HB82906 - German Rail Transporter for Karl-Geraet visit:

logo "BrailleBuilder" Blogspot

For an Volker Helms "First Look" about kit 82906 - German Rail Transporter for Karl-Geraet visit:

logo Website IPMS Deutschland

Kit HB82907 - German Munitionsschlepper Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. D/E A total of 13 Munitionsschlepper were produced on Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf.D, E and F chassis which had been acquired from the normal Pz.Kpfw.IV production run as reported in May 1941. There were two Munitionsschlepper for each of the six Geract 040 Nr.I to VI and one for the experimental Gerät Nr.VII

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Model built by Lo Baars


Model built by Marcin Nowogrodzki

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For "HobbyBoss" review kit HB82907 & HB82908 - German Munitionsschlepper Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. D/E/F visit:

logo HobbyBoss website

For German Munitionsschlepper Pz.Kpfw. IV and other work of Marcin Nowogrodzki visit:

logo Marcin Nowogrodzki Blogspot

For an Volker Helms "First Look" about kit 82907 - German Munitionsschlepper Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. D/E visit:

logo Website IPMS Deutschland

Kit HB82908 - German Munitionsschlepper Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. F

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Model built by Lo Baars


For an Volker Helms "First Look" about kit 82908 - German Munitionsschlepper Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. F visit:

logo Website IPMS Deutschland

Kit HB82909 - German Railway Turnout

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For an Volker Helms "First Look" about kit 82909 - German Railway Turnout visit:

logo Website IPMS Deutschland

Kit HB82910 - German Railway Curved Track


For an Volker Helms "First Look" about kit 82910 - German Railway Curved Track visit:

logo Website IPMS Deutschland

Kit HB82911 - German 80cm K(E) Heavy Railway Gun "Dora" - (Sprue part pictures from www.ipmsdeutschland.de)

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Model built by Owen Auer

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Model built by Mark Deliduka

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Model & Diorama built by Modelismo BCN

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For "Chuck Aleshire's / APMS-Armor" review about kit 82911 - German 80cm K(E) Heavy Railway Gun "Dora" visit:

logo APMS Armor Website - (part one) logo APMS Armor Website - (part two)

For "Sarhan Demir / MiniAfv" built model kit 82911 - German 80cm K(E) Heavy Railway Gun "Dora" visit:

logo "MiniAfv" Blogspot, part 1 logo "MiniAfv" Blogspot, part 2

logo "MiniAfv" Blogspot, part 3 logo "MiniAfv" Blogspot, part 4

For an "Daniel Reifer / Hugos Hobbies" unboxing Kit HB82911 - German 80cm K(E) Heavy Railway Gun "Dora" visit:

logo "Hugos Hobbies" on YouTube - "German Language"

Kit HB82912 - Soviet draisine “Krasnaja Zvezda”

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Built model by Ondrej Repka - (He opened the position of AA-gun, made real handles and the chain drive system)

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Model built by Mark Deliduka

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Built model by Przemo Mrozek

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The Soviet Red Star track motor car designed in December 1941, It use the KV tanks turret and V-2K Diesel engines, they were named "Krasnaja Zvezda" . The first piece of the new armoured track car was finished in Feb 1942.

For an "Al Magnus's / OTW" preview about kit HB82912 - Soviet draisine “Krasnaja Zvezda” visit:

logo "On the Way" Website

For a "Scott van Aken" "First Look" about kit 82912 - Soviet draisine "Krasnaja Zvezda" visit:

logo ModellingMadness website

Kit HB82913 - WR360 C12 Locomotive

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Built model by Lo Baars

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Model built by Mark Deliduka

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For an "Al Magnus'/ OTW" review about kit HB82913 - WR360 C12 Locomotive visit:

logo "On the Way" Website

For an "BrailleBuilder / Neil Lyall" review about kit HB82913 - WR360 C12 Locomotive visit:

logo "BrailleBuilder" Blogspot

Kit HB82914 - BR-86 German Locomotive

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Model built by Mark Deliduka

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Model built by Paco Motos

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For "Florin David's / MiniAfv" built model Kit HB82914 - BR-86 German Locomotive visit:

logo "MiniAfv" Blogspot, part 1

Kit HB82915 - Israeli Merkava Mk IV

Pictures instruction manual and extra spreuparts by Simon Barnes

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Built model by Vojislav Jereb

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For "Erhan Atalay's / MiniAFV" preview & construction Kit HB82915 - Israeli Merkava Mk IV visit:

logo "MiniAFV" Blog - (Part one) logo "MiniAFV" Blog - construction - (Part two)

Kit HB82916 - IDF Merkava Mk.IIID

The Merkava is a main battle tank used by the Israel Defense Forces. The tank began development in 1973 and entered active service in 1978. Four main versions of the tank have been deployed. It was first used extensively in the 1982 Lebanon War. The "Merkava" name was derived from the IDF's initial development program name.
It is designed for rapid repair of battle damage, survivability, cost-effectiveness and off-road performance. Following the model of contemporary self-propelled howitzers, the turret assembly is located nearer the rear than in most main battle tanks. This gives additional protection against a frontal attack. This arrangement also creates more space in the rear of the tank that allows increased storage capacity, as well as a rear entrance to the main crew compartment allowing easy access under enemy fire. This allows the tank to be used as a platform for medical disembarkation, a forward command and control station, and an armored personnel carrier. The rear entrance's clamshell-style doors provide overhead protection when off- and on-loading cargo and personnel.

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Pictures taken from "www.warpaints.net"

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Built model http://www.bsmmodellismo.it/

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For "Peter van Kempen's / OTW" preview of Kit HB82916 - IDF Merkava Mk.IIID visit:

logo "On the Way" Website

For "Hakan Karli's / MiniAFV" review of Kit HB82916 - IDF Merkava Mk.IIID visit:

logo "MiniAFV" Blog

For "Philip Koch's / IPMSDeutschland" preview of Kit HB82916 - IDF Merkava Mk.IIID visit:

logo "IPMSDeutschland" Website

Kit HB82917 - IDF Merkava Mk.IIID(LIC)

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Model built by Mike du Toit

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Kit HB82918 - Land-Wasser-Schlepper (LWS) amphibious tractor - (Early production)

Development of the Land-wasser-schlepper (Land-Water-Tractor) started in 1936, but the first 7 vehicles were completed in July of 1940. An additional 14 were produced by March of 1941. It was designed by Rheinmetall-Borsig as an amphibious vehicle for use by engineers but it lacked storage and loading/unloading access. To overcome this problem, special 10 and 20 ton amphibious trailers were made. It carried 3 to 5 men crew and 20 passengers. Another problem was that it was unarmored and could not operate effectively in the combat area. LWS saw service in Russia and North Africa.

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Part picures from Pascal Leroux

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Built model http://www.bsmmodellismo.it/

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Model built by Mick Hill

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For "Pascal Leroux's / Minitracks forum" preview Kit HB82918 - Land-Wasser-Schlepper (LWS) amphibious tractor visit:

logo "Minitracks" Forum - (French Language)

For "Bill Powers' / OTW" preview of Kit HB82918 - Land-Wasser-Schlepper (LWS) amphibious tractor visit:

logo "On the Way" Website

For "Mumtaz Yildiz's / MiniAfv" preview ad construction Kit HB82918 - Land-Wasser-Schlepper (LWS) amphibious tractor (early version) visit:

logo "MiniAfv" Blogspot, part 1

Kit HB82919 - German Land-Wasser-Schlepper (LWS) Medium production

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For "Jan Willisch's / IPMSDeutschland" preview of Kit HB82919 - German Land-Wasser-Schlepper (LWS) Medium production visit:

logo "IPMSDeutschland" Website

Kit HB82920 - M4 High Speed Tractor(3-in./90mm)

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Part picures from Pascal Leroux

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Part picures from Kenneth Overby

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For "Pascal Leroux's / Minitracks forum" preview Kit HB82920 - M4 High Speed Tractor(3-in./90mm) visit:

logo "Minitracks" Forum - (French Language)

For "Mumtaz Yildiz's / MiniAFV" review and built Kit HB82920 - M4 High Speed Tractor(3-in./90mm visit:

logo "MiniAFV" Blog

Kit HB82921 - M4 High Speed Tractor (155mm/8-in./240mm)

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Part picures from Pascal Leroux

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Model built by W.L. Baars

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For "Pascal Leroux's / Minitracks forum" preview Kit HB82921 - M4 High Speed Tractor (155mm/8-in./240mm) visit:

logo "Minitracks" Forum - (French Language)

For "Martyn Chorlton's / MilitaryModelling.com" preview Kit HB82921 - M4 High Speed Tractor (155mm/8-in./240mm) visit:

logo "MilitaryModelling" website

Kit HB82922 - German Panzerlok BR57 Armoured Locomotive

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Built model by W.L. Baars

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For "MKT's / IPMS Deutschland" - "First Look" about Kit HB82922 - German Panzerlok BR57 Armoured Locomotive, visit:

logo Website IPMS Deutschland

Kit HB82923 - Geschutzwagen

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For "MKT's / IPMS Deutschland" - "First Look" about Kit HB82923 - Geschutzwagen, visit:

logo Website IPMS Deutschland

Kit HB82924 - German Kommandowagen BP-42

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Kit HB82925 - German Kanonen & Flakwagen BP42

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Kit HB82926 - 9K714 OKA (SS-23 Spider)

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Model built by Jiri Bednar

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For "Volker Helms'/ IPMS Deutschland" - "First Look" about Kit HB82926 - 9K714 OKA (SS-23 Spider) visit:

logo Website IPMS Deutschland

Kit HB82927 - 2S19-M1 Self-propelled Howitzer

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Built model by Zhangtao from China

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Kit HB82928 - Russian 2S19-M2 Self-Propelled Howitzer

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Kit HB82929 - 48N6E of 5P85S TEL S-300PMU SA-10 GRUMBLE

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Kit HB82930 - URAL-4320 Truck

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Kit HB82931 - BM -21 GRAD rocket launcher

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Kit HB82932 - BM -21 GRAD rocket launcher - late version

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For "Volker Helms' / IPMSDeutschland" preview of Kit HB82932 - BM -21 GRAD rocket launcher - late version visit:

logo "IPMSDeutschland" Website

Kit HB82933 - Sam-2 Missile with Launcher Cabin

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Kit HB82934 - Schwere Plattformwagen Type SSyms 80 with Ramp and Kpfw.VI Ausf.E Sd.Kfz.181 Tiger I

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Kit HB82935 - Russian 9K79 Tochka (SS-21 Scarab) IRBM

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Kit HB82936 - German Panzertragerwagen

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Kit HB82937 - Russian 4K51 Rubezh Coastal ASM with P-15

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Model built by Udo Bauer

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Model built by Matthias Muth

Combinated with KrAZ-255 Transporter truck from AVD Models

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Kit HB82938 - Russian 130mm Coastal Defense Gun A-222 Bereg

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Kit HB82939 - Soviet 9P117M1 Launcher with R17 Rocket of 9K72

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Kit HB82940 - 9A52-2 Smerch -M MRLS

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3D drawings

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Kit HB82941 - 152mm Dana ShKH vz77

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Kit HB82946 - BAZ-64022 with 5P85TE2 TEL S-400

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Kit HB82952 - Russian Topol - M ballistic missile

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Kit HB82953 - Panzerjäger Triebwagen 51

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Kit HB82954 - German Panzerjagerwagen Vol.1

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Kit HB82955 - German Panzerjagerwagen Vol.2

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Kit HB82956 - 38(T) Ausf. E/F

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For "Philip Koch's / IPMS Deutschland" - "First Look" about Kit HB82956 - 38(T) Ausf. E/F visit:

logo Website IPMS Deutschland

Kit HB82961 - German KARL-Geraet 040/041 on Railway Transport Carrier

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Kit HB82963 - Russian Dong Feng 41 ICBM

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3D Drawings

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Built model - Owner unknow

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Ordering Hobbyboss kits from China:

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Email to HenkofHolland:


This website is an extension of my modeling hobby and serves to inform only. It is NOT possible to order merchandise directly from me.
I do not own a (web-)shop. You will find some reliable vendors in the "links" page.

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