Important News - February 2023
The website is migrated to another host company and has been operational again since February 07.
Unfortunately, the link to my website has also changed.
The old link was - The old link no longer works
The new link is - The new link is secured so use https:// -
To all visitors, modeling websites and manufacturers, who visit or used the link to my website:
1. change the link to my website for yourself and for visitors of your website
2. Communicate the change to your fellow model builders so that my website becomes widely known again
Sponsors / donations needed to allow me to continue operating and maintaining this website
For donationlist - scroll down to the bottom
For more information visit page "What's New"
This website is an extension of my modeling hobby and serves to inform only.
It is NOT possible to order merchandise directly from me.
I do not own a (web-)shop. You will find some reliable vendors in the "links" page.
Quick Reference Chart - Click on the section that you want to visit.
Site for 1/72 and 1/76 scale Military Modellers.
Welcome to my Web-Site which is dedicated to scale 1/72 and 1/76 military modeling.
Dear visitors,
Many people have hobbies and enjoy collecting all sorts of items, so not surprisingly, there are also people who collect items from World War 2.
In my childhood I started building and collecting the well known cardboard construction kits and at a later stage, models of wooden ships and
finally militairy vehicles.
After my tour of duty in the Dutch Army, up to about the age of 30, I didn't do any modeling. Then by coincidence I came into contact with people
who were into military modeling. After a period of building hobbyshop kits, I took up building-from-scratch based on available shop kits.
During an exposition of my models in "The fortress of Hook of Holland, The Netherlands", I became a member of the modeling club "TWENOT", which is
a Dutch abbreviation of the "Second Dutch Organization of Tank hobbyists". I got so much feed back from this organization, that I began to build
high quality models, resulting in several foreign companies becoming interested in my models.
I came into contact with some manufacturers, specifically in Scotland, the U.S.A., Germany and Australia. I have had business deals with some of
these companies. The models I built at the request of these clients were eventually released by these companies. I also built on request for private
people. I have built several models for a compagny named "Ostmodels" in Australia, with a market in Australia, Japan and the U.S.A, and for a compagny
named "Milicast" in Scotland, with a market in Europe and the U.S.A. The other compagnies were Mr Panzer in Italy, Fine Cast Models (FCM) and Fine Scale
Factory (FSF) both in Germany.
These models were built with the help of drawings, photographs, blue prints, etc. After a master model is finished, it is sent to the ordering company.
The individual parts are then made on a casting strip after which a mould of silicone rubber is made. This is almost the same material as used by
dentists to make dentures. By pouring liquid resin or melted soft metal into the moulds, the individual parts of the kit are casted. Casting with resin
is very tricky because air bubbles can easily destroy the parts. Casting with soft metal is less difficult but weight restrictions make it too heavy
for airmail shipping.
You can make only a restricted number of castings from one mould. When the mould is too soft it may last longer, but the finished parts tend to be distorted.
When the mould is too stiff, the mould could easily be destroyed while removing the parts. On average a mould will last for about 20 or 30 castings.
Silicone rubber and liquified resin are expensive. The entire process of casting and preparing the finished item for transportation is quite time consuming,
hence such products are expensive, much more expensive than the common plastic (assembly-) kits available in hobby shops. Those kits are made using
injection metal moulds and will last for thousands of castings. However a proper metal mould will costs anywhere from Euro 10.000 to Euro 100.000 or even more
and many thousands of models need to be sold to make it profitable. This is obviously out of range for a hobbyist.
Years ago I stopped making master models altogether, leaving that kind of work to a new and younger generation.
Over the years I began to realize that there was a significant absence of useful detailed information about military modeling at the small scales' level
such as availability and quality of models and the history behind the actual vehicles that they represent. I am aware that much info can be found on the
internet but it is often scattered over many different sites that makes searching for it more complicated. In other words: where do I find what I am
looking for? Not all manufacturers have their own website and the info available in most online shops is often rather limited.
With this in mind, about 20 years ago, I started my own website with the intention to provide additional information all in one and the same site. My site
was built and is maintained with the support of modelers, manufacturers and shop owners and has steadily grown over those years to what it is today.
A rather unique collection of inside information in general, instruction manuals, contributions of photo galleries of finished models from all over the
world and much more. This website is a showcase of my modeling hobby.
Some models on my website shows photo's of original vehicles as evidence that those vehicles have actually existed or are maybe fake vehicles.
Those pictures are obtained from other modellers etc. or found on internet. Unfortunately, an owner of the copyright-related photos is usually not
known. My apologies for that. Notify me if you have recognized one or more of these photos as your property, so that it is possible to mention the
copyright / source of the pictures.
All the photos and pictures used remain the property of their owners.
They are published in an educational and research purpose only.
However, we believe, that most of photos used belong to public domain due to age or anonymous authors
Thanks for your attention.Henk Timmerman, alias Henk of Holland.
For e-mail Henk of Holland click button below:
Henk of Holland Information:
Henk of Holland Tips and Tricks
Information Figures Scale
Adler Miniatures 1/72, from UK
AGNModelworks Military figures and accessoires - (link only)
AJM-Models, from Poland
Alex Miniatures, Russian Military figures, vehicles & accessoires, 1/72 - (Post War / Modern)
Almogavers-figures 1/72
1/72 Airfix Military figures - (link only)
1/72 "Black Army Models" figures - (link only)
Ceasar-figures 1/72 - (Miniknight)
CMK figures from Czech in the 1/72 scale - (link only)
"C-P Models Miniatures" figures from UK in the 1/72 scale - (link only)
D-Day Miniatures Studio - (resin 1/72 figures)
Empress Military figures, guns & vehicles in the 1/72 scale - (link only)
Fantassin Miniatures figures 1/72
figurine 1/72 blog - Figures 1/72, from French - (link only)
Gebo Figuren 1/72, from Germany
Germania Figuren, from Germany
HAT Figuresets 1/72
Hunor Figuresets 1/72, related to Hungarian Army
1/72 Italeri Military figures - (link only)
Lamercraft-Mouldings figures 1/76
Lancer Model, 1/72 Russian Military figures and PE parts- (Post War)
MARS Figures 1/72
Milicast Figures 1/76 - (link only)
ORION - Figures 1/72
Paracel Miniatures - 1/72 figures - (link only)
Pegasus Figures 1/72
Preiser Military figures 1/72
PlasticSoldierCompany Ltd. Military figures 1/72
PlasticSoldierReview for most Military figures in small scale - (link only)
Retrokit-France Military figures 1/72 - (link only)
Revell Military figures 1/72 - (link only)
"Sciborminiatures" Polish Military figures in 1/72 and other scales - (link only)
Steel72 - from Spain, vehicles, figures and stowage sets
Strelets-r campaigns WW-I figures 1/72 e.o. - (link only)
Strelets-r campaigns WW-II figures 1/72 e.o. - (link only)
Ultima Ratio figures 1/72 - from Ukraine
Valiant-Miniatures figures 1/72
VepaMiniatures / Vepafigures with modern army figures from Lebanon, Irak, Chechnya an Yugoslavian war - (Out of Production - moulds over to XanMiniatures)
Scale75 / Warfront Military Figures from Spain - (link only)
Warriors figures 1/72
Waterloo 1815 1/72
Weathering Factory 1/72 - (Out of Production - over to Gebofiguren
White Stork Miniatures - (Figures), from Poland - (link only)
Xan-Miniatures / Steel72, Figures and vehicles in white metal and resin - (Steel72 - re-release VepaFigures)
Zvezda Figure Sets 1/72
Accessoires, barrels, shells, Photo Etching Sets and "Diorama" accessoires etc.
Aber -turned brass and alluminimum barrels in 1/72 scale - (choose 1/72 & Gunbarrels) - (list with pictures & instruction plans) - (link only)
Ace Models - Photo Etching parts
AGNModelworks - Figures, Modelkits, diorama accessoires & scenery items - (link only)
Aleran Minis from USA - Decals and other items - (link only)
Armory - 1/72 Detail sets, tracks and conversions - (link only)
Diosockel - Diorama accessoires - wooden sockels etc. - (link only)
Eduard - Photo Etching parts
Eureka XXL - Towingcables in the 1/72 scale - (link only)
Eta-Diorama items in the 1/72 & 1/76 scale - (link only)
- with 3D Printed weapons in the 1/72 scale - (link only)
**Review Gaspatchmodels 3D printed models on - (link only)
"Master from Poland" Metal upgrade sets for scale plastic models - (link only)
Extratech - Photo Etching parts - (link only)
Flyhawk Model - Photo Etching and Resin parts from China
JK Resin - (link only) - (own website unknown)
Kohji-Lida a 3D Manufacturer from Japan with full interior for Jagdpanther & Panther G from Dragon and Revell
Lancer Model, 1/72 Russian Military figures and PE parts for Russian vehicles- (Post War)
Mini-World metal / bronze weapons in 1/72 scale (T-n-T website) - (link only)
"MIG Productions, figures and accessoires - (link only)
"MonroePerdu, Zimmerit, Lasercut and accessoires - (link only)
Part Photo Etched - (link only)
RB-Model - Turned brass/aluminimum barrels, shells / ammonutions etc.
Schatton-Modellbau - barrels, shells / ammonutions etc. - (link only)
ScissorHandz from China - replacement parts in 1/72 scale
Shenzhen Lihua Model Materials Co.,Ltd - (link only)
Syndikate Co, a Polish Accessoires Producer in 1/72 Scale - (link only)
OKBGrigorov - 1/72 Detail sets, tracks and conversions - (link only)
"Orange Hobby", Brass barrels and other military accessoires - (link only)
Thor Hobby - 1/72 ammo
"ValueGearDetails" - Resin Universal Stowage in 1/72 scale
"Viribus Unitis" - Resin Wheels & Rims in 1/72 scale
White Stork Miniatures - (Sceneries), from Poland - (link only)
White Stork Miniatures - (Accessoires), from Poland - (link only)
Masters made by Henk of Holland
Manufacturers of die-cast kits in scales 1/76 and 1/72
Other "Die-cast" kits in scales 1/76 and 1/72, which are built & painted "in Order"
Manufacturers of resin kits and accessoires in scales 1/76 and 1/72
Abteilung 46Models - (link only)
46Models / Minstralmodel.blogspot - (link only)
5Star Models produced by Armo Poland - with Railwayguns
5Mhobby EMEWE
72 Bolta, from Belorussia
Abteilung46 with Blue Square Models, Blitz Workshop & Prototype Models
AER - (Page 1)
*****AER - (Page 2)
Alex Miniatures, Russian Military figures, vehicles & accessoires, 1/72 - (Post War / Modern)
AMC Models
AP Models
Armada Hobby
Armo (Jadar Model)
Armory - (resin & plastic)
1/72 Artitec - (post War Vehicles) - (link only)
Attack Resin Models
Balaton Modell
Becks Resin Models
Blackdog Vehicle Accessoires
Blitz Models - (link only)
Blue Square Models - (link only)
Brach Model
Brassica - (Post War - Tatra)
BeibeiModels - (from China)
B.U.M. (Barcelona Universal Models)
BP Resin - (on OTW website) - (link only)
B.W. Models from Scotland - (link only)
Cavalleria-Italiana - (link only)
CMK Models, figures, conversions and accessoires
Combrig-Models (Kombrig) from Russia
Cpl. Overby's MOTORPOOL
Croco Models from Latvia
Crosshair Models
Cromwell Models
Custom-Scale from Germany
DESkit Models from France
Dan Taylor Modelworks - (link only)
Doc-Models - (resin)
Dio72 Diorama accessoires - (link only)
DToys - Combikits (Academy kits with upgraded resin parts)
Early War Miniatures - (EWM) - (link only)
Eduard Model Accessoires - (20mm scale) - (link only)
Euromodels Plus
EYM - Ex Yu Models from Croatia
FirstAir Models
FanKit Models from Romania
Fairey Planning - Fairy Kikaku
FPW Models
Friendship Models & Weefriends
G3Resin, from Poland
GB Modelli from Italy
Gebo Figuren 1/72, from Germany
Germania Figuren, from Germany
Gecko Heavy Industries models
Giesbers-Models and Den Bels.
GreenMiniatures from Poland
Gramodels from U.K.. - (link only)
H-Models from Czech
HobbyFan from China
Hunor Production
IberoKit from Spain
ITA sarl of France
ItalDiorama - (link only) - (own website unknown)
Italian Kits Armor
JK Resin - (link only) - (own website unknown)
Lancer Model, 1/72 Russian Military figures and PE parts- (Post War)
L'Arsenal, civil Citroen HY (post War)
LEVA Productions
LF Models
Lonewulfs Models - (link only)
Lucanus Models from Italy (ex Zanus Models)
MarS (from Poland)
Matador Models - (link only)
Metch Sword - Figures and vehicles 1/72 - (mix from resin and plastic)
MilMod - Military vehicles - Airfield based & "Constanza Models" Airplanes from DDR
Minimanfactory from Hungary
Minstral Model - (link only)
Milicast Models
MMK from CZ - (link only)
ModellTrans Website - (link only)
M.G.M. Michael Gohres Modellbau
MK72 Modelle - (MPK Modellbau) - Plastic and resin kits
Model Miniature from France
ModelDream from Italy - (link only)
ModelKrak / Jadar Hobby - (link only)
Moxing Studio, from Taiwan
MR Modellbau from Germany - (Matthias Roth) - (link only)
North Star Models from Latvia
Ogurets Projects from Russia
OKB Grigorov
Ostmodels, from Tasmania, Australia
PanzerGarage with 1/72 SPANISH CIVIL WAR 1936-1939 vehicles - (link only)
Pobeda Models - (Victory) - mix from plastic and resin kits
ProfiModeller - (link only)
Propaganda Kompany - (link only)
Prototype Models - (link only)
Red Tank Miniature from Poland
RetroTrack UK.
Schatton Modellbau from Germany
Sharkit from France
Sirius or Tristar
RetrokiT-France, ex-Solfig - (ex- Exokit, Retromodels and Retrokit from Marc Urwicz)
"S&S Models" - - (link only)
"Scaled Resincrafts" From Germany with blueprint tanks and tanks which have not been built in large quantities
SHQ Miniatures - (link only)
Skytrex Ltd - (link only)
SnakeModel from Russia - (Russian Post War)
Sowa Modelworks from Russia - (Russian Post War / Modern)
SVS from Russia - (Russian WWII)
Steel72 - from Spain, vehicles, figures and stowage sets
TankModels Poland
Tankograd from Russia
Auto Loco Motiv - (ex-Tololoko) - (Polish Post War / Modern)
Tracks-n-Troops Models
Trident Miniatures from Austria 1/72 scale
Triumph Des Willens - (TDW)
Triumph Models from China
United Fun - Fine Cast Models - (FCM) - (link only)
US-Casts - 1/76
"Viribus Unitis" - Resin Wheels & Rims in 1/72 scale
Viking Hobbies - 3D Printed models from USA
WIP3D - 3D Printed models from Italy
W^D Models with WWI Military vehicles in "4mm :1 foot" Scale - (link only)
Werk 803 - Military Vehicles from the NVA (DDR)
Wildhogs Models
WModel Manufacturer from Georgia
WSW Models, from Germany
Xan-Miniatures from Spain, Figures and vehicles in white metal and resin
Zebrano from Belorussia - multimedia manufacturer in "Resin & Plastic"- (PST and UM plastic kits with resin parts)
Z.Z. Exclusiv Modell - (with 1/87 and 1/72 scale kits)
Manufacturers of kits casted in white metal (Pewter)
Manufacturers of 3D Printed Kits
Before you start with 3D printed models, I will advice to read first the discussions about 3D Printed models on Missing Lynx forum
"Missing Lynx" on Tapatalk
Do you know reviews of the manufacturers below, please inform me about the review, Thanks!!
Henk of Holland Model summary:
Pictures of vehicles from various countries. Also providing information which models and their possible variants are available on the market.
Russian Light Tanks, Vehicles and others.
Russian Trucks - (Page 1)
*****Russian Trucks - (Page 2)
*****Russian Trucks - (Page 3)
"Zis-o-Mania" Russian Zis Trucks
Russian T26 Variants.
Russian BT.
Russian T34.
Russian Heavy Tanks, KV, SU, JS, JSU
Russian Heavy Tanks, T28, T35, T100, SU130Y, SMK, KV-5, sU-14, SU-14-1, SU-14-2
Armoured Russian Railway Trains, Guns and Platforms available in 1/72 scale
Other Information
Dutch East-Indies - K.N.I.L. [Royal Netherlands Indies Army]
The first two urls are linked to other websites. These websites provide more information about the Japanese war effort in the Dutch East-Indies
Russian Hetzer
Manufacturers of "quick assembly" kits
Manufacturers of plastic kits in scales 1/76 and 1/72
3D Model - with Sanrong, Transform & BorderModels from China
4DModels - Manufacturer from China - (early kits are playtools for young kids) - (Later kits are acceptable for modellers)
4DPuzzleModels, Quick Built manufacturer from China with 2 variants of Russian 3-300
A&A Model, from Ukraine
Academy Korea & Academy Europe
Ace Models, Russian and other nations' post War vehicles, Ace under SIGA label and decals
Ace Models, WW-II AFV's
ACE Corporation from South Korea
AGA from Poland
AccsGB from UK
AModel from Ukraine
AMG - Arsenal Model Group from Ukraïne
Aoshima - (Japanese Post War / Modern)
ARII, Eidai and Grip
Armageddon Models
Armory - (plastic Kits)
"Artitec" - High End Scale Models - 1/72 - (link only)
"Artitec" - Ready built & Painted - 1/72 - (link only)
AVDModels from Russia
Best Preis 1/72
Border Models - with Sanrong, Transform & 3D Models from China
Bronco Models from China 1/72
C.C.Lee from China - (see also Manufacturers C.C.XF and Lee)
Ceasar Miniatures
ClearProp from Ukraine
CopperStateModels - CSM
CooperCraft, Dapol & KnightWing - (UK manufactures of civil vehicles and Railwaycars in scale 1/76)
Doc-Models - (plastic)
Dragon Models
Eduard Model accessoiries
Esci-Ertl History (Page 1) - Catalog covers, kitnumbers, box lay-outs 8300 series
*****Esci-Ertl History (Page 2) - Box lay-outs 8000 series
*****Esci-Ertl History (Page 3 - Esci under other labels) - Revell/Esci (H2300 series), Esci/ERTL, Esci announced but never released, Esci/Humbrol, Esci/Polistill/Armor, Esci/Polistill, ERTL/Esci,
Esci/AHM, AMT/ERTL, Esci/Aurora, Esci/Soldat, Esci/Hasegawa, Esci/GunzeSangyo, Esci/Alby
*****Esci-Ertl - (Page 4) - Dioramasets and kits with figures included
ESO - Models
Extra Tech
FineMolds from Japan
First To Fight - (magazine + plastic model from Polish War)
FlyBoy from Belarus
Flyhawk Model
Force-of-Valor (Unimax)
Foreart - Ex ForeHobby from China
Galaxy Hobby - (Galaxy Hobby) & (TerminMolds / T-Model) both from China, Hong Kong - (WWII & Post War)
Garbuz-Models from Ukraine
GMU Models from Ukraine
Gran Ltd
I.B.G. Models
ICM / ex Omega-K Models / E-Klass and ZV)
Italeri page 1 - "Catalog History"
Italeri page 2 - "The 1/72 scale kits"
Italeri page 3 - "The snap togheter kits, dioramasets, figurs and others"
Keil Kraft - (link only)
Lee from China - (See also Manufacturers C.C.Lee and C.C.XF)
MAC and AMC (plastic)
Maco Plastic Modelkits
Magic Factory from China
Masterbox Ltd
Matador Models - (link only)
Matchbox 1/76 and 1/72
Meng 1/72, from China
Midori, AHM, Riko, Doyusha(Choro-Tan), Bandai and RIKO
Military Wheels from Ukraine
Minairons Miniatures
Miniart - Buildings and houses from East-Europian / Diorame parts
Mister-Craft Hobby Kits, from Poland
Model Group Dnieper with Colibri, Fort Ltd and Komintern Co
ModelCollect from China
Modelist from Russia
MK72 Modelle - (MPK Modellbau) - Plastic and resin kits
Nitto Kagaku
Omega-K Models
Orange Hobby from China
Pegasus Hobbies
Plastic Soldier Company Ltd. Military vehicles 1/72
"Precise" from Japan - part 1 - 8 Japanese vehicles WWII - (link only to blogspot 1/72 Multiverse)
"Precise" from Japan - part 2 - 8 Japanese vehicles WWII - (link only to blogspot 1/72 Multiverse)
Profiline Models
Red Lighthouse from Belarus
Revell GMBH page 1 - "Europian and US catalog history"
Revell GMBH page 2 - "The scale 1/72 kits"
Revell GMBH page 3 - "combination sets and scale 1/76 ex-Matchbox kits"
Revell GMBH page 4 - "Revell kits under other label, submarines, ships, figurs and AV/V2 Rocket Missile"
Riich Models, from China
Sabre Models
"Sanrong" with 3RModel, Transform & BorderModels from China
"Science Treasury from China" and/or "Popeye Corporation" from Korea
Schatton Modellbau
S + M Models, from UK
S-Mars and Galaxy
S-Model from China
Sova-M (SVM) from Ukraine
Sphyrna from China
Squadron Models
Takom World, from China
ThunderModel, from China
Tiger-Model Ltd from China - (Post War)
T-Model - (TerminMolds) & (Galaxy Hobby) both from China, Hong Kong - (WWII & Post War)
Toxso Model from Hong Kong
Transform - with Sanrong, 3D Models & BorderModels from China
UM - (Uni Models)
UMMT - (Ukraine Models Military Technics)
Waltersons - (from UK / Hong Kong)
Vespid Models - (from China)
World-at-War from Poland - (I.B.G.)
XF / Redstar, Quick Built from China - (See also manufacturers C.C.Lee and Lee)
Zebrano from Belorussia - multimedia manufacturer in "Resin & Plastic" - (PST and UM plastic kits with resin parts)
ZV Models
Zvezda Models
Z.Z. Exclusiv Modell - (1/87 and 1/72 scale kits)
Manufacturers of plastic kits in scales 1/87 and 1/72, as well as some other small scales
AHM & CROWN Minitanks - 1/87
Arsenal Models - 1/87 plastic kits - (link only)
Arsenal Models - 1/87 (Standardprogram) - (link only)
"Artitec" - High End Scale Models - 1/87 - (link only)
"Artitec" - Ready built & painted - 1/87 - (link only)
Faller Missile Sets - (1/100 scale)
"Old Japanese Manufacturers" - Kawai, Niko, IMAI, Marusan, Norshin, UPC, Eldon, Fuji, Aurora, Sharp, Sanko, Sanwa Plastic, Odaka (OKD), Central Mokei - (scale range from 1/70 until 1/88)
SMK - 1/87
Trident Miniatures from Austria - (1/87 scale)
Z.Z. Exclusiv Modell - (1/87 and 1/72 scale kits)
Work done by Modeling Friends:
A picture show of finished models and diorama's built by several modelers with special reference to master modelers Gabriele Zenoni and Alexandru Giersch and to diorama builders Roman Skiba and Walter Hendriksma.
Albert Chen from California, U.S.A.
Adrian Turcu from Romania
Andy Lang from the U.K.
Anton Mizera from Slowakia
Alexandru Giersch from Romania - professional master model maker
Calum Melrose - Website from Calum Melrose on Flickr with links to 44 of his projects - (each with several pictures)
Calum Melrose Album List, A nice special - Worth to visit!! - (link only)
Charles Chen from Taiwan
Christophe Mechin from French
Gabriele Zenoni from Italy - professional master model maker
Hans van Oerle from the Netherlands
Joseph Reti a diorama builder from Hungary - Theme: The explosion of the No.98 tank "BERRY", "French FCM 2C"
Mick Hill from UK, (Railways at War-'Somewhere in England.')
Vojislav Jereb from Croatie, (improvised armored cars of the 1991 war in Yugoslavia)
Karl Horvat from Australia
Ivan Visek from Czech
Kiyoshi Kawauchi from Japan
Lou Qian Yin, from China - page 1 - Variants US M26/T26, US Sherman M4A3 and French S35 in German Service
Lou Qian Yin, from China - page 2 - Variants German Pz.3 - SdKfz.141 and Stug Versions
Lou Qian Yin, from China - page 3 - Syrian BMP-1 with Rocket Launcher, Russian IS-4 variants - (Object701 and CT1 and CT2)
Lou Qian Yin, from China - page 4 - Variants German Pz.1 - Sd.Kfz.101 etc
Lou Qian Yin, from China - page 5 - T34-85 Variants in Russian & PLA Service (China)
Marcel Steenbrink from the Netherlands
Michelangelo Marino from Italy
Pascal Hut from the Netherlands
Paul Tian a dioramabuilder from Canada
Norman Buschmann from Germany
Roman SKIBA, from Russia
Simone Filippone, from Italy - talented diorama builder
Tomas Hrdlicka from Czech - "antenna collection 1" (finished and in progress) - on "Modelforum" Website - (link only)
Tomas Hrdlicka from Czech - "antenna collection 2" (finished and in progress) - on "Modelforum" Website - (link only)
Zhenmin Han, from China - talented master model maker
Diorama's by Walter Hendriksma from the Netherlands - (Page 1)
*****Diorama's by Walter Hendriksma from the Netherlands - (Page 2)
*****Diorama's by Walter Hendriksma from the Netherlands - (Page 3)
*****Diorama's by Walter Hendriksma from the Netherlands - (Page 4)
War Museums
Information about way to visit next Warmusea:
The Tank Museum, Bovington, England - Imperial War Museum, Duxford, England - Musee des Blindes Saumur, France -
Deutsche Panzermuseum Munster - Arsenalen, Sweden - Panssarimuseo Parola, Finland. - by Gary Zimmer
"Great Patriotic War Museum", the Kiev, Ukraine.
"Poklonnaya Gora" in memorial Victory Park, Moscow, Russia.
"Kubinka Museum" the Kubinka, Russia. - (Page 1)
*****"Kubinka Museum" the Kubinka, Russia. - (Page 2)
"Panzermuseum "Parola", the Parola, Finland.
"War History Museum" the Aksay, regio Rostov on Don, Russia
"Musee Des Blindes", the Saumur, France. - (Page 1)
*****"Musee Des Blindes", the Saumur, France. - (Page 2)
"Museum of Arms from the Homeland War, Turanj, Croatia" - (Croatian War of Independence, 1991 - 1995)
"Yad Lashiryon Museum and Memorial site of the IDF Armoured Corps, in Latrun, Israel"
Drawings, plans and illustrated books of military vehicles
Other Scales
These URLs are linked to other informative and interesting websites.
NEW: - Report from Elena of the Russian invasion of Ukraine - (With You Tube movies which are not showed on the Russian State T.V.)
Kiddofspeed - GHOST TOWN - Chernobyl Disaster - Elena's Motorcyle Ride through Chernobyl and more!!
Website by Elana Filatova from Ukraine
Elena's website translated into 13 different languages. Available languages are French, Italian, German, Dutch, Czech and Slovakian, Portuguese, Finnish, Spanish, Serbo-Croatian, Polish, Turkish, Hungarian, Indonesian. More languages will be available in time.
Note: This website is not in line with military modeling, but I think it may nevertheless be of interest to many people. The site features video's about the disaster. Also quite interesting is the page with authentic war photographs and video's of battlefield archaeology.
Reproductions of Panzers based on modern Tanks
Military Modeling related websites
"Atlantikwall" Bunkers. British Website with many links to bunkers.
"Modeling the Sherman Tank in 1/72nd Scale" Doug Chaltry's website. His site features most of the Sherman variants and their kits available in scale 1/72.
"Modeling the F.R. Batterie (Long-Range Rocket) - scale 1/32" Albert Koopman's website. This Dutch website features the A4/V2 batterie and the vehicles used with a lot of pictures, information and the locations were the batteries were positioned.
"Railwaygun Webmuseum" Nicholas Robinson's U.K. website about the Railway Gun Museum. The site shows you railway guns, armoured trains and military railway stock from different nations.
"Truck Lend-Leased to Russia" Oliver Missing's German website about "Lend-lease Vehicles". Drawings in color of "lend-lease" vehicles used in Russia.
"WW2 Drawings""WW-2 Drawings" Vincent Bourguignon's Belgium website with drawings in color of WW-2 vehicles from various nations.
"The Tankmaster" An amazing website about Russian armor. Many high resolution images of Russian and Soviet armor and artillery in color and black and white. It is also a retail site featuring high quality resin kits made in Russia. Featuring MajorModels, OA, SK (Russia).
"On the Way" Specialised in scale 1/72 modeling. Best site for information and reviews about military models in this scale!!!
"Primeportal", Walkarounds and pictures of original military vehicles. One of the best sites for information and pictures of original military vehicles and more!!!
"Chars Francais" French tanks and armored fighting vehicles. Site in English and French featuring vehicles either developped by the French war industry or foreign vehicles used by the French army, from start to present day. Over 150 vehicles covered. Over 450 individually identified tanks.
"Vincents Abbott Galery" Site with a lot of information about military vehicles and radio-controlled vehicles. Visit the sections "Hobbies" and "History" and see the pictures and video's.
"Silicon Valley Scale Modelers" A site with references and walkarounds of original armored vehicles by Vladimir Yakubov and others.Time span from 1915 until present day.
"Surviving-Panzers" Site by Pierre Olivier from France. Information about remaining German Panzers from period WW-II with pictures.
"Peter Shaw's Dora" Military Modeling in scale 1/6 A slide show by Peter Shaw, featuring his German "Dora" Railway gun in scale 1/6 scale.
"Masterwork in 1/144 Scale" Missing Lynx shows you a built-from-scratch scale 1/144 TIGER-1 tank [Panzer in German] as used by s.Pz.Abt. 501, Tunisia, December 1942 - January 1943.
"Military Vehicles in YouTube" YouTube features some interesting movies about military vehicles and models.
"" Dutch website with plenty of WW-2 related historical information: D-Day, Operation Overlord and much more. In Dutch and English.
Tank Museum Bovington, UK - Several interesting movies available at YouTube.
Here I would like to take the opportunity to express my appreciation to all people who have helped me by contributing information over the
There are just far too many people to mention everyone by name personally.
The website is supported with a donation by: |
The following shop keepers and / or manufacturers have provided me with one or more review samples |
2015 | 2021 | - | |
R.A from Australia | S.R. from Australia | 5MHobby - China | |
D.H. from Germany | S.C. from ? | Armada - Hungary | |
M.H, "Weathering Factory", Germany | D.H. from Germany | Always Models - Taiwan | |
J.G. from Spain | R.T. from Australia | Archer Transfers - USA | |
T.P. from USA | | Balaton Models - Hungary | |
D.S. from Germany | 2022 | Black Dog - Czech | |
A.Z. from Germany | N.S. from Germany | Ceasar Miniatures - Taiwan | |
A.K. from Russia | R.M. from Portugal | First Air - Japan | |
J.G from UK | R.T. from Australia | Flyhawk Models - China | |
J.R. from UK | P.v.K from Netherlands | Force of Valor - USA | |
- | | Giesbers Models - Netherlands | |
2016 | 2023 | Hobby Terra - Taiwan | |
D.H. from Germany | T.H. from Germany? | Jadar Model - Poland | |
- | S.R. from Australia | Modelkrak - Poland | |
2017 | R.T. from Australia | Maco - Germany | |
R.A. from Australia | | Minairons - Spain | |
R.M. from Portugal | | MPK - Swiss | |
S.R. from Australia | | ModelCollect - China | |
R.Z. from USA | | Ostmodels - Australia | |
L.L. from UK | | Pegasus Hobbies - USA | |
- | | Retrokit - France | |
2018 | | Retrokit - UK | |
G.J.M from Portugal | | sModel - China | |
P.H. from Germany | | SMK - Ukraine | |
S.R from Australia | | Thor Hobby - Taiwan | |
U.B. from Germany | | Tracks & Troops - Czech | |
R.T. from Australia | | TerminMolds - China | |
D.T.C from Canada | | Milicast - UK | |
- | | Cromwell Models - UK | |
2019 | | Trident - Swiss | |
S.R. from Australia | | VepaMiniatures - Spain | |
P.H. from Germany | | Zebrano - Belorussia | |
D.H. from Germany | | Weathering Factory - Germany | |
A.F from ? | | Attack Hobby Kits s.r.o. | |
R.T from Australia | | Xan Miniatures - Spain | |
D.S. from Germany | | Minitracks - France | |
- | | Mirage Hobby - Poland | |
2020 | | Germania-figuren - Germany | |
D.K. from Canada | | Adlermin - UK | |
S.R. from Australia | | Hunor - Hungary | |
R.T. from Australia | | - | |
F.O. from USA | | - | |
P.H. from Germany | | - | |
L.L. from UK (Adlermin) | | - | |
M.S. from UK | | - | |
P.R. from UK | | - | |
J.M.C. from Spain | | - | |
- | | - | |
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Email to HenkofHolland:
This website is an extension of my modeling hobby and serves to inform only.
It is NOT possible to order merchandise directly from me.
I do not own a (web-)shop. You will find some reliable vendors in the "links" page.
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