The products of Retrokit are from high quality, like the products from Alby or MarS.
Info: The owners of the company (Dominic Jadoul and Marc Urwicz) have taken the decision to split from each other. Visit the Retrokit website for more info!!.
As such, from early March, the RetroTracks AFVs catalogue will be reduced to its last 10 'entries' (chronologicaly). As I'm expecting a few masters from a few people still, it will be possible for RetroTracks to keep existing, at least until I find my footing with RetroWings, and a way to balance my time between the various ranges. Any new kit will kick the older remaining kit out of the 10 item catalogue so that there only ever remain 10 kits on sale. It is possible that such older kits may appear in one or another manufacturer range, though that will not be a major concern of mine, and such kit may or may not offer the same 'value' as in the past with RetroTracks, i.e. may appear without decals, without PE, at a different price and obviously different packaging. I'm not really planning to sell any masters, however kit R72051 T31 Demolition Tank, the fruit of a co-operation with LoneWulf Models, will still remain on the LoneWulf catalogue and kit R72044 Bobtail, being a 'stand-alone' aircraft related subject in an otherwise very 'trench and mud' range, will be sold to Aviation Workshop (for whom I already design masters and sculpt figures).
The new way of working will be made public shortly, and I will allow the public and distributors to put in orders from the whole range until 1st of March 2011. I'm giving myself up to the 1st of June to ship all orders (hopefully all done before that) after which any non-fulfilled order will be refunded (if and when necessary). The website will be modified this week end to reflect those coming changes and all kits (but the Bobtail) will be made 'order-able'. From the 1st of March 2011, the catalogue goes to 10 items only.
The number of new kits should be reduced to about 6 a year instead of 10-12. Therefore any new kit should stay available from me for about 18 to 24 months.
This will (eventually) allow me to spend less time on packaging kits, repairing old masters, will keep the size of my stalls at shows manageable, and won't require me to get any bigger car... and let me build aircraft!
The fate of the 1/72 figure, 1/72 accessories and 1/35 AFV is being debated now and should be made public this week end on the website.
*** "My co-operation with Wespe Models of Romania will continue until April 2014, and several other now discontinued kits from the earlier RetrokiT catalogue can still be found there. From May-June 2014, a number of those old kits will be re-issued under the RetroTracks label, though others are to be discontinued for good (though may re-appear in someone else's catalogue at some stage..?!)"
- Domi
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