
Ultima Ratio

new figures manufacturer from Ukraine

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Kit UR7201 - War In Afghanistan _ Mujahidins, Taliban & Al-Qaeda - (39 figurs, 13 poses)

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For "PlasticSoldierReview" review Kit UR7201 - War In Afghanistan _ Mujahidins, Taliban & Al-Qaeda visit:

logo "Plastic Soldier Review" Website

Kit UR7202 - Soviet Motorized Infantry & Spetsnaz - (39 figures, 13 poses)

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Kit UR7203 - WWII Soviet & Polish infantry - (39 figures, 13 poses)

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Kit UR7204 - WWII Soviet Mountain Troops - (39 figures 13 poses)

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Kit UR7205 - Imperial Japanese Army Paratroopers - (33 figures in 11 poses)

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Kit UR7206 - Chindits - North Burma 1943-44 - (33 figures in 11 poses)

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For more information and ordering:

Ultima Ration Website Unknown

Available by:

logo The Luckysoldier.it, website

Email to HenkofHolland:


This website is an extension of my modeling hobby and serves to inform only. It is NOT possible to order merchandise directly from me.
I do not own a (web-)shop. You will find some reliable vendors in the "links" page.

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